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Welcome to Chappel C of E (VC)

On track for success

The Chappel family nurtures independence and courage whilst promoting faith and a lasting passion for learning

At Chappel School we achieve this by: 

  • Promoting healthy hearts and nurturing enquiring minds;
  • Encouraging the school community to feel welcome, safe and valued within a Christian ethos;
  • Empowering children to be independent learners and contributing members of the community;
  • ​Recognising parents and carers as essential partners in their children’s development;

Our curriculum

  • is varied, challenging and inspiring;
  • builds upon first hand experiences;
  • is rich, stimulating and relevant;
  • ​enables children to enjoy learning

We are delighted to announce that we are now part of the Life Education Trust LIFE Education Trust – Boundless Optimism

The Trust’s mission is to build great learning communities which unleash creativity and champion optimism, in a spirit of compassion and we look forward to bringing this ethos for education to the local community.


Please enjoy this video about our school created by our digital leaders.

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